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Showing posts from 2014

Excavating- Managing Hazards

Excavating is recognized as one of the most hazardous construction operations hence the need to consider safety precautions. An Excavation is any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in an earth surface that is formed by earth removal.  A Trench is a narrow excavation (in relation to its length) made below the surface of the ground.  In general, the depth of a trench is greater than its width, and the width (measured at the bottom) is not greater than 15 ft (4.6 m).  If a form or other structure installed or constructed in an excavation reduces the distance between the form and the side of the excavation to 15 ft (4.6 m) or less (measured at the bottom of the excavation), the excavation is also considered to be a trench. Follow us on this journey as we pursue safety issues in excavations in subsequent editions